A Token of Appreciation

While we have been without the services of the Bowls coordinator the task has of running Bowral Club bowls has been in the hands of Glen Giese.  He has done a terrific job of organisation and maintaining the smooth running of the Club Men’s bowls.  As a small token of appreciation for all his excellent efforts Men’s President Bob Crowley presented Glen with a canvas poster.  It shows an excellent bowling style which is currently being used to great effect.

The weather in the last week has not shown much improvement with the result that Wednesday’s bowls were cancelled due to the persistent rain.  Saturday was much better, with a little sun which  encouraged 24 bowlers out onto the greens.  It is hoped the good weather continues and bowling  numbers return to normal.

The number of entries for the Chris Benton Memorial Trophy is slowly increasing.  There is still time to form a team and take part in this highly enjoyable day.  A reminder this event is set down for 1pm on Saturday 5th February.  Officially entries have closed for the Triples Event to be held on Australia Day.  The notice of event is posted below.  I am sure if you have a team and the six available slots are not taken that you would be welcome to enter.  Rinks are also set aside for social bowls on Australia Day should the above event not interest you.   Four or five Bowral triples teams are taking part in the Zone 5 Triples competition.  Unfortunately I cannot find information of this event on the Zone 5 website so will update information when I obtain more details.