WEDNESDAY BOWLS NEWS JANUARY 14th (Terry Norwood reporting)
Just starting with some information before letting you know what happened on the bowling green yesterday.
- The Lewis Green has now been top-dressed and, weather permitting, should be back in service for bowls in about a month. The Wilson Green, which had some restorative work done on it recently, is now back in use. However, the surface is quite bumpy so the going is fairly rough. It seems as though it will be a little while before the Wilson is completely up to scratch.
- The nomination schedule for the Men’s Major Triples is now posted on the notice board and bowlers are urged to organise their teams and get them listed. This is a prize money event so it’s hoped that a good field can be mustered by the closing date Friday January 27th.
- The Chris Benton Memorial event will be staged on Saturday 4th February. The proceeds from this fours event will go to brain cancer charity, so we’re looking to have a strong field of teams. Bowlers are asked to wear the blue club uniform as Chris’ name appears on many of the shirts. Come on fellows, let’s make this an event to remember.
- All Wednesday bowlers have got to know Carol and Lawrence Vipond very well over the last few years. Unfortunately for us,(and for them?) they will be returning to the UK in March. The Bowls Committee is organising a farewell to the Viponds on Wednesday March 8th to which Wednesday bowlers are invited.
- The Men’s Minor Singles event continues on Saturday 21st with the quarter finals. There will be some good bowlers on the mat so members are urged to get along and see how they fare.
A very sultry day with only a gentle breeze greeted the bowlers as they made their way to the Waratah Green. A storm had been predicted for some time in the afternoon and there was certainly that feel about the day. Fortunately, the storm didn’t arrive, and the cloud cover and the breeze gave some relief from the humidity. The Waratah was running truly and provided an excellent surface for the day’s bowling.
By arrangement, the first of the Men’s Minor Singles quarter finals was staged on Wednesday. The very experienced Bob Crowley was pitted against newcomer Denis Lees. Denis has been bowling for only about six months and, after a bye in the first round, this was his first competition match. And what a baptism of fire this turned out to be! Unfortunately for Denis, Bob was in fine touch and made a red-hot start. Bob won the first six ends and amassed 13 shots. Over the next five ends, Denis had his best period outscoring Bob 4 to 2. However, Bob then regained control to roll on to a 25 – 4 victory. Bob now moves on to a semi-final against either Steven Goddard or Peter Cornwell.
Bob Crowley was in winning form!
The 18-ender on rink 7 of the Waratah Green saw John Fleming, Bill Pope and skipper John Cummins take on Kel Limbrick, Lawrence Vipond and Paul Rubie. Both teams entered the fray confidently, both keen to earn the bragging rights for the day. In the end however, it was a one-sided affair with team Rubie ruling the roost and winning 12 of the eighteen ends. Nonagenarian Kel was in excellent form as lead, and team Cummins had no answers at all. A resounding victory to team Rubie (20 – 11) which, no doubt, dominated the chat at after match drinks!
Lawrence delivering with man of the match Kel preparing to bowl!
In a fours match, Joel Hunt, Neville Tanner, Chris Forrester and skipper the wily leftie Bob Edwards went head to head against Keith Scriven, Harold Wall, Don Coleman and the mercurial Peter Morales. Totally against expectations, the first half of this game was a very one-sided affair. Peter and his men won eight of the first nine ends and roared our to a 17 – 1 lead! Team Edwards fared much better in the second half of the game outscoring their opposition by 11 to 8, but unfortunately for them the damage had been done. Victory to team Morales 25 – 12.
Peter Morales was in good form!
In a triples match, Viv Gear, Wal Markow and skipper the remarkably youthful nonagerian Gordon Lewis battled it out against Rick Reynolds, Richard Denman and the energetic skipper Glenn Giese. Although the teams won three each of the first six ends, Gordon and his men had established a handy four shot lead at 7 – 3. Not to be denied, the Glenn inspired team won the next four ends to take a five shot lead. However, a massive six shot haul on the eleventh end turned this game around for Gordon and his team. They won eight of the last ten ends, including a mouth-watering (eye-watering?) 7, and marched on to a comfortable 28 – 15 victory.
Viv Gear back on the green after a break!
In a pairs match on rink 11, Barry Werfel and Terry Norwood took on Col Stone and the affable Don Chapman. This was a very even match that went right down to the last end. Team Chapman won ten ends to the eleven won by team Norwood. From the sixth end onwards, there was not more than two shots separating the teams and from the tenth end the scoring was very tight. Barry and Col as the leads had an excellent battle and bowled at a high standard throughout; and the skippers had a solid battle as well. The final score was 19 – 16 in favour of team Norwood.
Barry Werfel had a great battle as lead against Col Stone!
In another triples game, Brian Bailey, Ian Crow and skipper Tony Oakes took on Graham Denman, Keith Edwards and Owen Williams. Owen and his men made much the better of the early ends, including a four shot haul on the fifth end, and raced to a 12 – 3 lead by the ninth. And although they won only one of the next five ends, they still held a five shot lead. Unfortunately for team Williams, it was then that the wheels fell off completely! Tony and his boys won the last seven ends to run out victors by 20 – 13.
The Tony Oakes style!
In the final match, a triples on rink 13, Michael Hook, Arnold Lenczuk and Steven Goddard went head to head against Graham Hartnup, Graham Hunt and skipper Julie Hayden. Arnold was returning to bowls after an operation on his foot and, unfortunately, had to sub-out late in the game (Bob Crowley kindly replaced him). Surprisingly, this match wasn’t as close as the organising committee had expected. Julie and her team won the first six ends and led 10 – 0. Overall they won thirteen ends against eight to their opponents in a fairly dominant display. The final score was 22 – 12 in favour of team Hayden.
The excellent delivery of Julie Hayden!