BOWLING SATURDAY MAY 27th    (Terry Norwood reporting)

Some information for a start:

  1. Members are reminded that the AGM of the Men’s Bowling Committee has been brought forward to July to fit in with the Bowls NSW bowls year. Nominations for positions on the committee are now open and will close on Sunday June 4th. The AGM itself will be held on Sunday July 2nd.
  2. The Men’s Bowling Committee together with the Women’s Bowling Committee will hold a presentation dinner night on Saturday July 15th. The winners of the events held July-June will be acknowledged with presentations of trophies and badges. This will be a partners night which it is hoped will be a good fun evening.
  3. Men bowlers are reminded that the Committee is hopeful of entering one or two teams in the men only Zone 5 men only Pennants competition in Aug/Sept this year. Members have until late June to add their names to the sheet on the notice board, but the sooner the better as the Committee would like to get an idea of how many bowlers are interested. Teams to be entered have to be nominated by the Committee at the end of June.
  4. Effective immediately, social bowls will cost bowlers $12 instead of the $15 which has been in place for some time. The Board of the Club has reduced the green fee which has resulted in the lowering of the cost to bowlers.
  5. Bowling Members of the Club are reminded also that payment of the annual fee by June 30th will gain a reduction in cost to $120! Renewing membership after June 30th will cost members $160.

Social Bowls Saturday May 27th

Eighteen eager bowlers braved the elements to bowl on Saturday. The afternoon began in full sun and a fairly stiff breeze out of the west. Unfortunately, it finished fully overcast with a strong icy wind blasting the green from the west. Although keen bowlers, most were pleased to be inside the club after the game. The Wilson Green is slowly improving as a bowling surface but is still a bit too slow for most of the bowlers. Given the numbers, the match committee elected to run three games of triples.

On rink 5, Ted McPhee, Bob Crowley and skipper Steven Goddard did battle against Peter Cornwell, Gordon Lewis and Greg Lewis. And what a tense, hard-fought game this turned out to be! Team Lewis got the jump on their opponents winning six of then first seven ends and racing to a lead of 11 – 3. Steven’s team immediately hit back with three 3s, so it was game on. With leads Ted and Peter on fire, the teams were not more than three shots apart as the battle continued to the last end. In the end, Steven’s team got home by a single shot, and this after they won fewer ends but secured six hauls of 3 shots, three 2s and zero singles! A great game fellows!

Ted McPhee was in fine form as lead.


On the next rink, Grahame Denman, Graham Hunt and Skipper Steve Day took on Arnold Lenczuk, Ian Crow (otherwise known as I. Cros) and ‘the skip’ Tony Oakes. In an astonishing opening to this match, Tony and his men won the first five ends (including hauls of 4 and 6) to lead 17 – 0. Not to be done however, Steve’s team dug in and by the twelfth end had reduced the lead by seven shots. Team Oakes then steadied to win some single shot ends. When time was called after the eighteenth end, the score in favour of Tony’s team was 25 – 14. The disastrous opening had cost Steve’s team dearly as they had had the better of the second half of the game. And maybe the yellow bowls next time Steve?

The Oakes style and Steve Day wishing he had his yellow bowls!

In the third triples match, Richard Denman, Owen Williams and skipper the wily leftie Bob Edwards went head to head against the durable nonagenarian Keith Edwards, Terry Norwood and another wily leftie Mick Flynn. Mick’s team scored single shots on the first two ends and were holding six shots on the third until Bob with his final bowl drew shot. Bob’s team then remained on top winning six of the next eight ends and setting up a lead of 16 – 6. This included a crushing 6 shot haul on the tenth which had the opposition reaching for the oxygen. When time was called after eighteen, Bob and his men were deserved winners at 19 – 14. Bob and Richard bowled consistently well in the trying conditions.

Richard Denman and Bob Edwards bowled well all day!