MEN’S BOWLS NEWS WEDNESDAY JUNE 28th    (Terry Norwood reporting)

Some information to start with:

  1. At the close of nominations for the 2023/2024 Men’s Bowls Committee there were insufficient nominations to require a vote to be conducted. Therefore, elected unopposed to the new committee were:

President    Stephen Della

Vice-President      Terry Norwood

Bowls Secretary    Kevin Stafford

Match Committee     Graham Hunt

Ted McPhee

Chris Forrester

Tony Oakes

Bob Crowley

Terry Butt

2. The AGM of the Men’s Committee will be conducted on Sunday July 2nd at 11am. All members are                           encouraged to attend.

3. The annual events calendar has now been drafted and a copy posted on the notice board. The first event                will be the RSL Shield to be staged on 8, 22, and 29 of July. Bowlers are encouraged to nominate as pairs              as either lead and second or third and skip. On July 8th there will be a random linking of the pairs to                      create sides of four. The nomination sheets are posted on the notice board.

4. The Bowls Committee has determined that social bowls will be conducted alternately on the Waratah and              Wilson greens to keep both greens in use. This will apply to both Wednesdays and Saturdays.

5. The Committee also resolved that club uniform would no longer be required for Saturday social bowls.                  This applies to social bowls only as uniform (red or blue) will still be required for competition events.

6. For those members who haven’t yet heard, last Sunday was the birthday of Bill Meredith who turned 91.                Congratulations Bill!

Social Bowls

Unfortunately, the rain led to the cancellation of social bowls on Wednesday, but, despite the strong westerly wind, eighteen keen bowlers hit the green. Given the numbers, all games were triples.

On rink 8, Terry Butt, Peter Cornwell and skipper Stephen Della took on Arnold Lenczuk, Ted McPhee and the irrepressible Gordon Lewis. And what a cracking game of very good bowls was this game! Gordon’s team won thirteen of the twenty-one ends and deservedly came in winners. They didn’t have it all their own way tough as team Della hit them with a couple of fours and a three along the way. Ted McPhee was in excellent touch as were the two skippers. The final score was 20 – 16.

Ted McPhee was in cracking form, almost good enough for the Australian Open!

On the the next rink, Keith Edwards, Grahame Denman and skipper gentleman Jim Starkey did battle against Rick Reynolds, Harold Wall and Ian Crow. Ian’s team had the better of the opening ends to set up a handy lead of 12 – 5 after seven ends. Jim’s team came storming back however and, in winning five of the next six ends, to set up a lead of 17 – 13. Team Crow then took control and, with two ends to play, they led by two shots. Far from done, Jim’s team grabbed two on the next end to set up a thrilling finish. In a well contested last end Ian’s team came out on top by a single shot, the final score being 21 – 20.

In the final game, Donna (a visitor from Sydney), Richard Denman and Chris Forrester took on Owen Williams, Angelo (another visitor from Sydney) and Skipper Mick Flynn. Both sides got onto the scorecard early and it was 4 – 4 after five ends. The sides then shared the next four ends and it was 8 all. The battle continued to be close and the scores were still locked at 13 – 13 after fifteen ends. It was then that a change came over the game. Chris’ team took control taking the next six ends and leaving their opponents in their wake. The final score was 28 – 14 in favour of team Forrester.

Richard was in the head most of the day!

In a final note, members might be interested to hear that two members, Bob Crowley and Terry Norwood decided to try their luck and experience the Australian Open in singles and pairs. Both thoroughly enjoyed the experience (and the warm weather) despite not progressing beyond the sectional stages. Bob went down in his three singles matches 21 – 18, 21 – 12 and 21 – 12. Terry also lost his matches 21 – 6, 21 – 19 and 21 – 18. They fared better in the pairs with a draw 16 – 16, a win 16 – 13 and a loss 22 – 13. From the chat around the club, it seems that there could be more bowlers heading north in June 2024!