BBC BROADCAST WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30th    (Terry Norwood at the desk)

A few bits of information to begin with:

  1. The Pennants competitions resume this coming weekend with the Grade Two team at home to Austral and the Grade Four team travelling to Austral. We wish you good bowling fellows.
  2. Members are notified the AGM of the Bowral Bowling Club Ltd will be held on Sunday October 19th commencing at 10.30am. All members are encouraged to attend.
  3. The Rookie Singles Competition kick off in September. Anyone who commenced bowling since January 1st 2019 is eligible to enter and can do so by placing your name on the entry form posted on the notice board.
  4. At its meeting on Saturday last, the Men’s Bowls Committee executive decided to invite Bob Edwards to take on the role of Welfare Officer. Thankfully, we can announce that we again have a Welfare Officer in Bob Edwards!

Wednesday Social Bowls 

Thirty-six very bowlers turned out for social bowls and were all very keen to take to the green. With the Wilson Green very damp from a heavy watering, the Waratah  was selected as the venue for this hit out. Given the number the thirty-six were organised into six triples matches. Under heavy sky, the bowlers took to the green and got things underway. However, about  six or seven ends into proceedings a storm hit and brought matters to a close.

As you can see from this photo by Robin Staples, small hail quickly covered the green and made for an interesting, if frustrating scene. Given the conditions and the inclination of the majority of bowlers, the Match Committee abandoned the day’s bowls at that point. Because of this washout, all participants will not be required to pay green fees when they next turn out for a game of social bowls.

It looks as though Neville Tanner was holding shot in this end when play was abandoned!