BBC BROADCAST WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 4th (Terry Norwood at the desk)
Let’s start with some general info:
- The Bowls Secretary, Kev Stafford, is calling for entries into the mixed pairs competition which will commence on October 22nd. The schedule is posted on the notice board ready for pairs to list their names. It would be good to get a big field so that the defending champs Gail and Jim can be put under some pressure.
- The Men’s Bowls Committee will be holding a BBQ at 4pm after bowls on Wednesday October 18th. Any bowler wishing to be involved can list your name on the schedule on the notice board, or notify any of the Bowls Committee members.
- Coach Robin Staples is making himself available at 2.30 on the next four Tuesdays to help anyone from beginner to more experienced bowler who’d like to brush up on technique or strategy. So all you bowlers for whom things are not working perfectly, here’s an opportunity to start to put things right.
- The Men’s Bowls Committee and the Club are grateful to Reta South for mending the National flags we fly from the flagpole. The flags were in danger of beginning to fray which is often a potential problem. Reta had the expertise and the gadgetry to re-hem the flags and so extend their lives. Thanks for coming to the rescue Reta.
Social Bowls Wednesday
Twenty hardy bowlers turned out for social bowls on the 4th only to be confronted with a lousy day weather-wise. The weather forecast had not been good and the drizzle commenced at around noon. With the light rain, and worse, predicted to continue through the afternoon, the match committee decided, around 12.45, to cancel social bowls. However, half the group decided to wait a while to see if there was to be a break in the weather and the opportunity to play a few ends. Around 1pm the drizzle stopped and the ten bowlers took to the green in hastily arranged triples and pairs matches. Hoping to get a few ends in, the group was more than surprised to be able to get the full twenty-one ends in before the promised heavy rain arrived. Unbelievable! And frustrating for the match committee who’d taken the weather forecasts seriously. C’est la vie!
The informal triples match was a serious, hard-fought affair in which Arnold ‘black shoes’ Lenczuk, Steve ‘bundy’ Day and Robin ‘maestro’ Staples battled against Ian ‘cros’ Crow, Clive ‘dasher’ Neutze and the evergreen Gordon ‘cobbler’ Lewis. This was a no-holds-barred, take no prisoners affair, with plenty of chat, much hat lifting, leg slapping and general hooting. Team Staples won the bragging rights with a 25 – 18 victory!
The pairs match was a much quieter though no less intense affair where Graham ‘banana’ Hartnup and skipper Mick ‘potters’ Flynn battled the weather and Ian Duncan with skipper-in-training Terry Norwood. Although there was no cattle station up for grabs, this was also a serious affair with every bowl meant to count. In the end, the ten ends to team Flynn yielded them ten shots only! Hauls along the way of 4 and 5 by their opponents meant that bragging rights went to the Ian/Terry pairing at 20 – 10.