BBC BROADCAST WEDNESDAY MARCH 5th         (Terry Norwood at the desk)

Let’s start with some bits of info:

  1. March is a busy month for birthdays of bowlers, starting right from the beginning of the month. Don Chapman’s was on the 4th, and was quickly followed by Wal Markow and Rick Reynolds on the 5th. Happy birthday gentlemen, and we hope the occasion was suitably celebrated.
  2. Pennants for the Grade Six side will continue on Saturday with the Bowral Waratahs heading out to Bundanoon to take on the locals. This is sure to be a tough match on the tricky Bundanoon green, but hopefully the ‘tahs can get the result and remain at the top of the table. The Bowral teams for Saturday are posted on the notice board, but there is only one change to the side that was successful last week with Peter Flight coming in to replace the unavailable Chris Forrester.
  3. With Pennants games away this weekend, the social bowls at Bowral will revert to the 12.30 starting time. Anyone seeking a game of social bowls on Saturday will need to get your name in by the shutoff time of 11.30.
  4. Following the collating of the information from the recent survey, Committee member Ian Duncan is preparing a strategic plan for starting to formulate ideas into action, and this document will be forwarded to the Club Board asap. The Committee will keep members informed about developments and progress.

Wednesday Social Bowls

Thirty-eight eager bowlers turned out for social bowls on what was a very pleasant Wednesday afternoon on the 5th. With the Waratah Green in fairly good nick, the Match Committee organised five games of triples and two of pairs.

On rink 7, Mark ‘straw’ Barrow, Wal ‘birthday boy’ Markow and Viv ‘top’ Gear battled against Shane ‘(k)nee’ Harvey, Alex ‘wides’ Christlo and Clive ‘dasher’ Neutze. With Viv’s team all over the place on the first end, Clive’s trio grabbed a mouth-watering five shotter . . . what a sweet start! Well, not too sweet though, for Viv’s lot, stirred into action, won the next four ends to hit the lead by a shot. They then dropped a three on the sixth, but, by the tenth, the scores were locked at 9 all. Clive’s team took a two shot lead after twelve, but it was then all team Gear from there. With the foot hard to the floor, they skittled the opposition winning six of the last nine ends and motored home comfortable victors 21 – 16. Top Gear indeed!

Birthday boy Wal and skipper Viv show their winning styles!


On the next rink, Jill ‘Hollywood’ Harwood, Mike ‘left’ Hook and Bob ‘wily’ Edwards took on Graham ‘hardnut’ Hartnup, Barry ‘smerfel’ Werfel and Peter ‘midshipman’ Watson. Eager to start, Peter’s trio had the better of the opening few ends to lead 6 – 2 after four. They then progressed this to 10 – 4 after eight, and had the Edward’s team looking somewhat ragged. Stung into action, Bob called the shots and Jill and Mike responded. They won the next five ends to take the lead, and had the opposition on the ropes and looking for intervention. To their dismay, the Edwards machine kept grinding away and racking up the shots. Behind by seven, Peter’s team managed a three on the eighteenth but by then it was too late. Victory to Bob’s team by 19 – 15.

Lead Jill and skipper Bob show what winning delivery is all about!


In a pairs game on rink 9, Keith ‘the fox’ Edwards and John ‘junior’ Cummins sought bragging rights over Neville ‘the’ Tanner and Paul ‘ricochet’ Rubie. So keen was the battle from the outset in this game that singles were all that could be squeezed out of each end. Paul and Neville led 4 – 1 after five ends and then they led 5 – 4 after nine. This game was as tight as the proverbial and singles continued to be the reward for hard labour until the fifteenth end! With Paul and Neville in front 8 – 6 after fourteen, they then broke the shackles and notched up a four shotter on the next! With the spell broken, shots abounded, and except for one end, flowed to Paul and Neville. They stormed home to a 20 – 9 victory and set about humility at the bar. Junior must have used up all his good form the previous week!!

Junior Cummins looks on as winning skipper Paul shows how it’s done!


On rink 10, Graham ‘dragon’ Denman, Peter ‘Virgin’ Flight and Steven ‘suave’ Goddard tussled for honours against Mark Shelvey, Ian ‘Mr Cool’ Duncan and the maestro (broken left hand and all!) Robin Staples. In a bright start, Steven’s team took singles on the first three ends and looked nicely settled. Then whack! The maestro’s team belted them on the next five ends to roar to an emphatic lead of 12 – 3! Stung, team Goddard responded to take three shots on the next two ends and partly steadied a wonky raft. But no, with Robin in wonderful form, team Staples built pressure on pressure through the back half and man for man out-bowled their opposites. The final score was a monstrous 23 – 9 to team Staples, and exploded the myth that rink 10 was lucky for someone!

Ian and the maestro Robin both had fine games to top their opponents!


In another triples game on rink 11, Joel ‘grr’ Hunt, Bruce ‘scratched’ Yahl and Joe ‘skip’ O’Donnell faced off against John McGuire, Graham ‘leaning tower’ Hunt and the venerable ‘cobbler’ Gordon Lewis. Despite dropping a single on the second, Gordon’s team had the better of the first five ends to lead 6 – 1. Finally getting warmed up, Joe’s team won the next three to take the lead at 8 – 6. However, with the cobbler cracking the whip, team Lewis responded with a five shotter and by the fourteenth end led 16 – 10. And then the cookie crumbled . . . the igloo collapsed . . . well, actually, big Joel struck!! For seven ends in a row, Joel was on the jack for team O’Donnell and had the opposition choking on their bananas! Seven ends in a row went to Joe’s team as they swamped the Lewis canoe and sailed home to the tune of 22 – 16. And didn’t big Joel enjoy that!

It’s that man again; Joel monstered the opposition in the run home!


On rink 12, Barb ‘stretch’ Wainberg and Mick ‘potters’ Flynn came face to face with Denis ‘rowdy’ Lees and Owen ‘wily Scot’ Williams. Both sides scored early on for the card to read 4 all after six ends. From there, ends were being shared, but with Mick and Barb scoring doubles, they led 10 – 5 at the halfway point of the game. They then had pushed this to 12 – 7 by the twelfth, when Denis and Owen hit a purple patch of form. Winning four ends on the trot, they surged to a 16 – 12 lead on the sixteenth and looked confident. But Mick and Barb, having nothing of that, hit back immediately with a four shotter, and pressed the advantage to take all the remaining ends. In a dazzling run, Mick and Barb netted eleven shots and bolted home winners at 23 – 16.

Fine bowler and fine coach, Mick shows how it’s done!


In the final game, Paul ‘macmac’ McInerney, Peter ‘miraculous’ Morales and Arnie ‘dickie knee’ Lenczuk battled against Don ‘gentleman’ Chapman, Richard ‘no denman’ Denman and Dave ‘pot black’ Charlesworth. In a scintillating start, Arnie’ s team cracked a three shotter and after four ends led 5 – 2. Unfortunately for them, at that point the tires on their buggy went flat and Dave’s team went on a scoring spree. By the ninth end, Dave’s trio led 13 – 5, and by the twelfth, had pushed this to 17 – 6. Where was the oxygen . . . where was the . . . whatever?! Down, but not out, Arnie’s team battled on, but the deficit was proving hard to pull back. They retrieved a couple of shots, but the win to Dave’s team was a comfortable 24 – 16.

Richard is in fine form at the moment!