Happy Christmas and all the Best in the New Year

Seasons greetings to everybody.  Last Wednesday 16th December, despite morning rain, Twenty three bowlers arrived for a game of social bowls.  The rain held off and three matches were completed.  The last two games had reached eighteen ends when dark clouds rolled over the “Gib”and the players hastily vacated the greens. Minutes latter the heavens opened and stayed open foe well over an hour.  Normally the fronts blow in from the South West and we are only effected by one storm.  This time a line of Thunderstorms came from the North East with Ts after Ts passing over Bowral.  Just getting out to the cars in the car park was a wet business and there were multiple road closures all around the local district.

The reason for this lengthy introduction is that unfortunately damage occurred to the synthetic green. The green is a floating green held down by the weight of the carpet and sand.  With the amount of rain that fell the carpet did float and allowed creases to form when it settled.  Also the amount of water under the carpet allowed ridges to form in the sand.  Damage is such that repairs will be required before play can resume.  Club officials met on Thursday 17th December and posted the following notice with all bowls ceasing until further notice.  Members will be kept informed of progress and I suspect that manpower will be needed to roll back the carpet.  We will keep you informed.

Having suffered an internet failure for the last week the “Bowls News”is a little behind.  So will work backwards from the final event of the Bowral Season.  Sunday 20th December was the final event, a pennant trial.  This close to Christmas and on a Sunday afternoon is is a tribute to those who have put their names down for pennants that very few players were not available and that thirty eight bowlers turned out for the trials. Results are probably less important than the information gathered by the selectors.  However, as a thank you to those who played here are the results.

Carl Spilker, Glynn Phillips, Stephen Della and Josh Woodcock (17) defeated Robin Staples, Dennis Beatty, Dugald Braithwaite and Paul Leverett (14)

Paul McInerney, Rita South, Brian Porter and Bob Edwards (10) lost to Noel Fraser, Jim Neely, Dave Riddell and David Coltman (27)

Richard Denman, Terry Norwood, Gordon Lewis and Billy Meredith (14) lost to Andrew Connor, Rick Reynolds, Tony Oakes and Clive Neutze (25)

Alex Lamb, Brian Payne and Glen Geise (18) drew with Lynn Boshier, Brian Cornwall and Kevin Jones (18)

There was also a fourth game of fours played, but do not have results of this game.  Ashley Lewis skipper against Nathan Boyers and other players were Graham Hunt, Julie, Bob Crowley, Ted McPhee, Alistair McGhee and Gail Fraser.  Great to see the ladies joining the men for this trial.  So thanks again for all the players who made the effort and it bodes well for the coming pennant season.

Saturday 19th December  was the Bernie Michael Commemoration Trophy day.  Not a large turn out but the weather was kind and an enjoyable day was had by all.  Draw was by ballot, though next year I believe the Bowls Coordinator will select the draw to ensure an even competition.  A couple of teams stood out as being very strong and this was how it played out.  Both of these teams scored 31 shots so the result was decided by the team with the biggest margin.  Steve Day’s team managed 14 shots against the Woodcock team while Billy Meredith scored 6 against the Stafford  team who with Russell Fahey and  Russell Knight were the winning team.  Unfortunately Bernie’s daughter was unwell and unable to travel to Bowral  so the trophy was presented by Bernie’s long time friends Howard Lewis and Neville Tanner.



Russell Fahey, Russell Knight and Kevin Stafford (31) Beat Glen Geise, Paul McInerney and Billy Meredith (6)

Eric Willacy, Paul leverett and Josh Woodcock (31) beat Harold Wall, Tony Oates and Steve Day (14)

Neville Tanner, Harold Lewis and Gordon Lewis (18) beat Graham Hunt, Brian Porter and Bob Edwards (11)

Dave Riddell, Clive Neutze and Don Coleman (18) tied with Bob Crowley, Mike Holmewood and Robin Staples (18)


Finally going back a week the final of the Eric Plain/ Southern Highland Cup was held at Bundanoon on Saturday 12th December.  All teams went into the final level on points .  Teams were Bundanoon, Robertson and Bowral with each team fielding two pairs teams and two triples teams.  Winners of this competition were Bundanoon winning both their triples matches and one doubles match.  Bowral was second winning both their singles matches and Robertson third winning one match.  While Bundanoon had the home ground advantage they added to this by playing excellent bowls.  A well deserved win and a tribute to a small Club.  Eric Plain’s granddaughter was at Bundanoon to present the trophy to end a very pleasant competition taking place over four weekends.  Robertson will host the final in 2021.


Once again, Happy Christmas and we hope it will not be long before we are bowling again.