Muscles on Monday

Confirmation has been received that the carpet roll back will be on Monday 18th January at 4pm.  The bowls coordinator has been contacting members, especially the younger, fitter and stronger members, to ensure the quorum of 25 rollers that was requested is on hand.  However, there will be plenty of room on the roller for extra pushers, so if you are available pop down and give a hand.  Even encouragement from the sideline would be good.  So it should not be too long before bowls is under way again.  The grass is also coming along nicely, with perfect weather , initial rain followed by good sun and warmth.  A few bowlers, with withdrawal symptoms, turned up on Wednesday 13th January for a game on the back green.  Seven bowlers to be exact.  While the green was slow those who played reported that they enjoyed themselves.  So if you would like to refresh those bowling muscles turn up on Saturday or Wednesday at the usual time for  a game on the back green.