Stafford and Della Retain Pairs Title

Saturday, 3rd July 2021 at Bowral Bowling Club and the final of the Dirty Jane – Major Pairs was completed.  Ashley Lewis and Josh Woodcock to play last years winners Stephen Della and Kevin Stafford.Everything pointed to a great match in the making.  Current Singles Club Champion Ashley leading against three times Singles Club Champion Stephen Della.  Josh Woodcock, Grade 2 skipper against Kevin Stafford who with Stephen won the Zone 5 Champion of Champions Pairs last year.  A little drizzle during the game was no hardship.  First end was won by Kevin with one shot and the second going to Josh with two shots.  Four shots next end for Stephen and Kevin, with great drawing and an excellent ön”shot by Kevin set the tone for the match with this team always just that little bit better.  Final score resulted in Stephen and Kevin scoring 23 shots and Ashley and Josh 16 shots.  A well deserved win and it would be good if they could not only again win the Zone Champion of Champion Titles but go on to a State win also.

We have gone from having  an empty notice board to a whole plethora of upcoming championship events. Copies of the notices of these events will appear shortly in “Draws and Results’ but in the meantime listed below are the salient details.  As usual the notice board information is the definitive guide.

McGrath 2021 Major Triples.                Entries close 18 July 21.      Runs 31/7 to 8/8.

MV Motor Group 2021 Minor Triples  Entries Close 1 Aug 21.        Runs 14/8 to 29/8

BOQ 2021 Major Fours                            Entries Close 22 Aug 21      Runs 4/9 to 12/9

Oxley Butchery 2021 Minor Fours         Entries Close 12 Sept 21.     Runs 25/9 to 10/10

Dirty Janes 2021 Under 60 Singles        Entries Close 19 Sept 21      Runs 2/10 to 10/10

McGrath 2021 Senior Singles                  Entries Close 29 Aug 21.      Runs 12/9 to 26/9

Note that all these events run Saturday and Sunday and you will have to be prepared to give up your Sunday if you enter.  On the plus side they will all be complete in a very short duration.  Minor Fours and Triples are new events replacing Handicap Singles and Pairs.  You cannot enter if you have won Major Singles or Pairs.  This should only exclude a handful of bowlers so most teams can enter both events. Apparently Senior Singles age limit has dropped to 60 in line with Zone events.  Much grumbling among under 60 bowlers has resulted in these days of political correctness, in an under 60 singles event for them.  With the drop in age limit of the Senior Singles and only a few players excluded  from the minor events if will be very difficult for lower grade and social bowlers to win those pots of gold but only by entering will you know.

The above notice appeared on the notice board.  Not placed there by the Bowls Coordinator so presumably placed by the Mens President or Board Member or green keeper.  The policy is however being adhered too.  Virtually all bowling clubs would have a “best” green either due to geographic or quality reasons and no doubt would limit access.  However, I do not expect they would do so in such a heavy handed manner and allow use to such a select group of bowlers only.  Those denied use of the green would probably not mind if one iota of maintenance work was given to the synthetic green. I once played at Artarmon Bowling Club and was told how one of their greens became to fast and wide that they had to leave a rink between games.  Could not happen at Bowral due Wednesday only “”overflow if required” but we may have to have a new position of “bowls guard” to stand two thirds the way up the rink and prevent neighbouring bowls from encroaching on the next rink.