The weekend of the 15/16th February saw the 2020 season gathering speed. It was indeed a weekend for Bob Edwards to remember. Saturday was the Chris Benton Trophy which had been rained off the previous Saturday. Following a spider, play got under way with ten teams of fours and each playing two games during the afternoon. Results are posted in “Draws and results” though the second game is a little hard to understand. Does not detract from the results which was a great win for the team of Graham Hunt, Ted McPhee, Chris Forrester and Bob Edwards. Two wins and a margin of 16 shots gave thema 5 shot win. Equal second were the teams of Kevin Jones, Paul Rubie, Jim Starkey and Brian Payne and the team of Peter Watson, Carl Spilker, C Eyles and Dugald Braithwaite. While this second team is full of grade two players and might expect to be close to the top of the table, the efforts of Brian Paynes team is excellent with wins over the team skipped by Kevin Gould and a great win over the highly rated Greg Lewis team. The days activities also contributed to the Cancer Council. It was great to once again see the Benton family present and presenting the prizes.
Sunday saw the start of the Club Championship Singles competition. Three matches were completed. Bob Crowley defeated Tony Oates by 31-10. A really tight game was played between Paul Leverett and Brian Porter. Paul would be one of the favourites for the title, but he was pushed all the way by Brian who eventually failed to win by only one shot, the score 31-30. The final game contributed to that great weekend of Bob Edwards as he had a super win over another highly rated player. Result was a win to Bob by 31-13 over David Coltman. The final game has been postponed to next Saturday morning as Carl Spilker was playing in the Zone 5 trials. A great effort from a relatively new bowler. Also playing in the Zone trials are Mick Armstrong and Mick Spong, while Ashley Lewis and Jim Neely are playing in the senior trial. well done to all those players, we hope they are all selected for the Zone teams.
Finally there have been quite a bit of Zone 5 competitions taking place. Here is a quick summary of results of Bowral Bowling Club teams.
Zone Fours Competition.
Stephen Della, Carl Spilker, Mick Spong and Mick Armstrong. Won first game 24-18, lost in next round 13-18.
Oscar Whalin, Alistair McGhee, Dugald Braithwaite and Josh Woodcock won first round 19-14, won next round 21-10 and lost in quarter final 14-27.
DeGreenlaw, Bob Crowley, David Coltman and Nathan Boyers won first round 23-19, lost next round 12-27.
Zone Triples Competition.
Bob Crowley, David Coltman and Nathan Boyers lost first round 13-23
RobinStaples, Kevin Stafford and Ashley Lewis lost first round 20-22.
Next Saturday should be Club Pennant Trials.