Back to Bowls

Bowls at Bowral Bowling Club should restart on Wednesday 20th January 2021.  The usual notice of Wednesday social bowls is now on the notice board and of course you may phone in an entry.  With Pennant trials under way in preparation for the season start I am sure everyone will wish to get in some early practice.  Grade 2 traveled to Huskisson last Saturday 16th January for their first trial fixture.  They suffered a narrow loss by three shots with the team lead by Mick Spong winning while Mick Armstrong and Josh Woodcock teams had narrow losses.

Repairs to the North Green started on Monday 18th January.  Unfortunately the trailer carrying the rollers used to roll back the carpet suffered a major failure on the way to Bowral.  As a result the Club members who turned up at 4pm on Monday only had to roll back the corner nearest the clubhouse.  The surface under this area has been smoothed and other bumps and hollows corrected so that as mentioned the green will be up and running on Wednesday.  A smaller group of members were present Tuesday to roll the carpet back into place and the pull out any wrinkles remaining.

The Pennant trials are the other major news. This coming Saturday 23rd January all three Bowral teams will travel to Picton for trial games starting at 1pm.  The notice is on the board but as time is short I will post it below for your information.  I will also post the draw for all three grades as the Pennants page will not be updated until the updater returns from holidays.  Finally the grade 2 team has a trial at Asquith on the 30th January and the team is also posted below.  Please do not forget to tick your name off if you are available.


Once again thanks to all members who turned up to assist with the carpet rolling.  See you back on the green shortly.