BBC BROADCAST SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7th       (Terry Norwood at the desk)

Some items of info to start with:

  1. The initial Birthday Competition, a mixed triples day, was conducted on Wednesday September 4th. Eighteen teams turned out on what was a very pleasant day for bowling. Each team played two ten-end matches, one on the synthetic surface of the Waratah green and one on the Wilson grass green. The winning team, with two wins and plus 17 shots, was the trio of Joel Hunt, Sarah Fahey and Jim Neely. Congratulations winners, and thanks to all who entered and made the day such a resounding success. There is no doubt that this event is an important addition to the annual bowling calendar.
  2. Best wishes to Ash Lewis, Mick Flynn and Bob Crowley who will soon be off playing singles matches in Regional events.
  3. The newly elected Men’s Bowling Committee had its first meeting on Saturday September 7th. Minutes of the meeting will be available very soon.

Saturday Social Bowls

Ten very eager bowlers turned out on what was an excellent afternoon for bowls. There was little breeze to speak of and the temperature was close to perfect.

In a triples game on rink 8, Graham Hartnup, Graham ‘jockey’ Hunt and the venerable cobbler Gordon Lewis butted heads against Keith ‘fox’ Edwards, Andy Connor and Steven ‘cruiser’ Goddard. And what was expected to be a close match, was anything but! In an absolutely monumental performance, the Gordon Lewis team annihilated their opposition and had them pleading for mercy! The pleading fell on deaf ears however, as the ‘cobbler’ led trio won end after end – seventeen of the twenty-one ends in fact. Seventeen ends to four – what a horrible mauling!! With Graham Hartnup leading expertly and skipper Gordon (on one leg mind you after sprawling himself on the green in a fit of enjoyment!) resting on the jack monotonously, team Lewis gave their opposite numbers no breathing space at all. The final score of 35 – 10 had the losing side looking bedraggled and chastened over after-game drinks in the Clubhouse!

The nonagenarian cobbler Gordon Lewis gave the opposition a bath!

The pairs encounter on rink 9 was an entirely different game to the triples. Both Terry Norwood and Mick ‘potters’ Flynn on the one hand and Peter ‘ambi’ Flight and Chris ‘unrufflable’ Forrester on the other scored early in the match for it to be 3 all after three ends. In a really tight, low-scoring encounter, Mick and Terry edged ahead and after ten ends led 9 – 6. They advanced this to 13 – 6 after thirteen ends and with Mick in great draw-bowling form, looked to have the upper hand. However, Peter and Chris had other ideas. With Chris now in brilliant form, he and Peter won end after end to close the gap on the score-card shot by shot. Finally, with one end to play, they had the deficit down to two shots and were looking confident of rolling over the opposition. And then on the last end, Peter and Chris again had enough shots on the jack to win. However, the ever calm Mick sized up the situation, stepped up to the mat and save his team when he cut them back to a single with an excellent draw. Victory to Mick and Terry by the skin of their teeth ; 15 – 14!! Overall, Peter and Terry had a close battle as leads, while Mick and Chris both had blinders!

Mick and Chris both bowled brilliantly as skips!