The AGM of the Bowral Bowling Club was held at 11am on Sunday 25th October 2020. This AGM was later in the year than normal as a result of the Covid pandemic. At this meeting the election of members for the Men’s Bowling Club Committee took place. No vote was required as as there were no multiple nominations for any position. On the good side, all positions were filled which means the committee is in a great position to advance Men’s bowling during the coming year,
The Bowral Men’s Bowling Club Committee is as follows;
President Bob Crowley.
Vice President Alistair McGhee
Vice President Tom DeGreenlaw
Match Committee Michael Flynn
Brian Payne
Glenn Giese
Glynn Phillips
Ted McPhee
Chris Forrester
Bob Crowley indicated that there will be a Committee Meeting in a couple of weeks followed by a general meeting of all Bowling Members shortly afterwards were the program for the coming year will be outlined and members may put forward ideas or request clarification.