Feel Like a Roll Up?

Great News.  Not only is N.S.W slowly coming out of lock down, Bowls N.S.W has organized a small exemption with regard to Club roll ups.  Forthwith, bowling clubs may allow roll ups with a maximum of 12 bowlers per green and 2 bowlers per rink.  Clubs are only allowed to provide access directly to the greens with normal indoor mask restrictions and keeping your distance.

Official information will be coming very shortly from Club Management via email, website and Facebook.  However, I have most of the details, so here is what I know.

The Bowral Bowling Club will be available for roll ups next Thursday 7th October to Sunday 10th October.  On Thursday and Friday the North green will be open for two sessions of roll ups at  2pm and 4pm and sessions will be of one hour and forty five minutes.  On Saturday and Sunday there will be one hour and forty five minute sessions at 11am, 1pm, 3pm and 5pm.  While there is nothing planned for Tuesday 12th October it is planned that social bowls will start again on Wednesday 13th October.  I must admit I thought that the green time allowed is rather limited but understand it is due to staff limitations until the Club is back up and running.  The times currently allowed for roll up are aligned with the times the Club is currently open for take away service.  Also only the synthetic green is available.  Hard to imagine how the Club would survive if we did not have a synthetic green.  If you do wish to take advantage of the green for a roll up it is by pre booking only.  The Club phones are only manned during hours of take away service so it may be necessary to come in the day before to make your booking.  Double Covid 19 jabs are required and cost will be $5 per session.

So back up and running, if only on a limited basis with social bowls resuming on October 13th if there are no further set backs.  Hurray, see you there.