How about a roll up?

I do have a little extra news on the bowling front.  From watching the latest Covid 19 updates on the television it would seem the reopening of clubs is in the final stage 3 lifting of restrictions.  That may well be quite a few weeks away.

However, if any member or visitor have bowling withdrawal symptons then a roll up is available at Bowral Bowling Club.  Our manager has emailed those on the mailing list with the information but should you be a visitor or not on the email list then I have posted the conditions for use of the green below.  Basically it limits a green to ten players, a rink to two players and a gap between rinks.  Add basic hygiene requirements and a $10 fee and away you go.  A booking is also required with the Club phone number down below on the notice from the manager. (4861 1320)

Seems a long time since we last bowled, but here is another photo from bowling in 2020 with part of the winning team of the Chris Benton Memorial Trophy playing the final end of one of their games.  Hope to see you down at the Club for a roll up.

Roll Ups fees

Roll up rules

I note under the roll up rule a date is given as 30/5/20.  Be assured the roll ups are happening now.  Get yourself down to the Club for some activity.  I also note that coaching is mentioned as being limited to two bowlers.  I will find out more information and post it later.