The final of the Minor Pairs was held on Sunday 1st July 2018. The winners were Alistair McGhee and Carl Spilker defeating Bob Crowley and Oscar Whelan. The score was 25 shots to 12.
Bob and Oscar won ten of the ends played, but were restricted each time to a single shot score. Carl and Alistair scored a 6 on the 5th end and a 4 on the 19th end. Add these 9 shots to the ability to restrict the number of shots lost when they lost an end, and the result is a fairly comfortable win 25-12.
All four finalist are to be congratulated on making the final. All four are in their first or second season of bowls. The quality of their play is a credit to them and the coach of all four, Dugald Braithwaite.
Alistair and Carl also played in the final of the Club Championship Triples. Carl has been chosen to play in the Grade 3 Pennant team in the State Finals.
Well done all.