Update from Bowls NSW Regarding CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19)
With the NSW Premier announcing the easing of a stay at home restriction this week, it is also time for both Bowls NSW and Women’s Bowls NSW to jointly update their advice on bowling activity.
It must be noted that the NSW Government has not relaxed restrictions as to:
- Social distancing (this remains that persons must keep at least 1.5m distance from each other),
- Outdoor gatherings (this remains at no more than two persons),
- That aged persons or those with pre-existing conditions should stay at home or take extra precautions if they leave their home, and,
- That licensed establishments remain closed (except for sale of takeaway beverages and food).
However, Bowls NSW together with Women’s Bowls NSW now advise that clubs may, at their own risk, and after satisfying their own legal and insurance responsibilities, allow the use of their outdoor bowling greens for practice/roll ups under strict guidelines.
Both associations would like to make it very clear that clubs are under no obligation to open their greens but, if they feel as though they can do so safely and with proper protocols, may allow practice/roll ups from Saturday 2nd May.
The following points should be considered with the utmost importance:
- The consumption of alcohol is not permitted on licensed premises, under current restrictions,
- Social distancing must be adhered to,
- No more than two persons can practice/roll up on a rink,
- There must be a rink space (empty rink) between each rink in use,
- No more than 10 persons are permitted on a green at any time
- Strict safety and health protocols must be in place as per the recommended guidelines
- Persons must not congregate on the premises, prior to or after completion of practice/roll up.
Both Bowls NSW and Women’s Bowls NSW do not accept any responsibility for individuals or clubs participating in this activity and strongly urge persons to abide by the rules set out by each club or risk penalty from relevant authorities.
The two associations see this advice as a first stage in allowing members to participate in bowling activity.
Any further easing of bowling activity advice will be dependent upon government and health authorities relaxing of restrictions.
Please note that this advice may be repealed at any time, if guidelines are not adhered to and/or government advises that restrictions are rescinded.
We urge all persons to consider the consequences of not following the guidelines and protocols and to NOT attend if showing any slightest symptoms of any illness.
We are all in this together and by doing the right thing and acting responsibly, it may lead to decisions by authorities to further release restrictions earlier than may otherwise have occurred.
Please stay safe everyone and let us all enjoy the physical and mental benefits of our great sport.
For a copy of the circular please CLICK HERE:
If you have any general enquiries, please contact:
Women’s Bowls NSW on 02 9267 7155 or generalmanager@womensbowlsnsw.org.au
Bowls NSW (David Ellis – Head of Sport & Operations) on 0450 956 485 or david@bowlsnsw.com.au
Date: 30 April 2020
Re: Joint statement from Bowls NSW and Women’s Bowls NSW on stage one easing of restrictions as of 2nd May 2020
Key Federal and NSW Government Restrictions
- Federal and NSW Government advice is to suspend all social sporting activities
- NSW Office of Sport advice is that bowling greens are not explicitly ordered to be closed under NSW Public Health Orders and lawn bowls practice can be classed as exercise
- All licensed premises are closed except for sale of take away food and beverages
- There must be no more than two persons in any gathering
- Individuals must keep at least 1.5-metre distance between each other
- Individuals are only allowed to leave their household for essential criteria, up to two adults with children are now allowed to travel to a relative/friend house
- People at high risk (aged persons) or those with preexisting medical conditions are encouraged to stay at home where possible and take additional precautions when leaving home
Bowls NSW & Women’s Bowls NSW Guidelines & Recommendations
- Clubs may choose to allow greens to be opened at their own risk
- NO social bowls or competitions allowed
- Practice/roll ups allowed under following conditions:
- Please check with your club to ascertain if greens are opened
- Arrive within five minutes of practice and not before
- Only two persons per rink — social distancing rules apply
- There must be at least one rink space (an empty rink) between each rink in use
- No more than 10 persons per green
- Only one person to handle mat and jack
- Bowls equipment MUST NOT be shared (e.g. bowls, cloths, measuring devices etc.)
- Scoreboards are NOT to be used or should be taken away by the club (if possible)
- Individuals MUST NOT arrange to meet others on premises
- Persons must leave the premises immediately after practice/roll up and cleansing of all equipment
- Players should practice safe hygiene at all times including washing of hands for at least 20 seconds before and after participation
- Hand sanitiser and disinfectant must be supplied at entrance to club/greens and stationed at each green in use
- Clubs may wish to implement a booking system, fee and length of practice time with staggered times if using multiple greens
- Clubs may wish to engage staff to facilitate and supervise under Job Keeper assistance program and/or volunteers
- Coaching is limited to one other person per session
- Please note that the consumption of alcohol is not allowed on licensed premises under current restrictions
Disclaimer: Bowls NSW and Women’s Bowls NSW are not experts on pandemics and therefore all Australian and NSW government and health department information, guidelines and directives supersedes this information. Bowls NSW and Women’s Bowls NSW has released this information to inform its members as to how both associations are responding to COVID-19 and to provide recommendations as to what we believe is the best course of action for clubs and individuals.
If you are unsure of anything listed above, please contact each respective association for clarification — contact David Ellis here.