A quiet week at Bowral Bowling club but there are events coming up to entertain the bowlers. Wednesday 9th February was a social bowl day as usual. Weather was fine for a change and around 30 bowlers enjoyed their game of bowls. Saturday 12th February was less kind with a couple of showers early in the games but these cleared during the game and we even saw a little sun. Eleven bowlers played and were banished to the synthetic. Despite the damp weather rather it is an indication of the changing times that less players turned up for Saturday bowls than were present for a roll up the prior Tuesday afternoon. Once upon a time Saturday was the major bowls day of the week!
The Bowls Committee met Saturday morning (12th February) and indicate that a programme of events will be on the notice board shortly. The major club events will take place after July in line with the Bowls NSW changes and the remaining events will be scheduled prior to July.
The Southern Highland Cup commences next Saturday 19th February with Bundanoon hosting Bowral. No teams on the notice board yet so keep checking to see if you have been selected. Will post the notice for this event below so you can see what is in store for this event.
Another great day that is coming up shortly is the annual competition with Beecroft Bowling Club. Saturday 5th March will see a coach load of Bowral bowlers travel to Beecroft for this event. There was some confusion as the notice only had 20 slots for names and we were told that all had to be filled for the bus to operate. It appears that this was a minimum number and another sheet has been added for anyone else who would like to take part. Ask anyone who has been before and they will tell you not to miss this great day.
Bowls NSW have finally decided on the first part of the Pennant programme. Seems contrary to the vote held last year but this is the programme that will take place. A notice of the schedule is posted below and an all male nomination form will be placed on the notice board for those interested in the August Pennants.
One final event. The Ladies Bowls Club at Bowral is holding a charity day for CanAssist on Tuesday 8th March. The Ladies Club is excellent at supporting the Men’s events when they are allowed so it would be great if the male bowlers did the same and made an effort to support the ladies in raising funds for CanAssist. Notice below.