Update 21May 2020

We have received another update from Bowls NSW .  Once again for those who have not had this email I will post it below.  Not a lot has changed, but we are still able to have a roll up provided no more than 10 players to a green, and only half the rinks in play.   What is significant is that you can now have four bowlers to a rink, with all the usual Covid 19 regulations in place.  Our Bowls Secretary tells me that the Ladies are getting organised on their usual Tuesday and Thursday mornings and are having limited pairs games.  They should be all set to go as soon as restrictions are lifted which will hopefully be in July.  So if you male bowlers would like to have a pairs game start ringing around your fellow bowlers and self organise your match.  What everyone will be pleased to hear is that I understand that we will no longer be paying $10 for a roll up but the figure has been set at a more realistic figure of $5, though If you buy a bottle of wine also, that would be great.  Booking is still required.

As July comes closer, here are a couple of photos from the archives to remind you how things were.  Players about to start the final round of the MVMGC in 2018 and fourth place winners Clive Neutze and Keith Edwards.

Bowls NSW Regarding CORONA VIRUS 20 May 20