This last Sunday, 13th January 2019 was the day that Bowral Bowling Club was having a Working Bee. Designed to save the Club precious money on some smaller jobs and to smarten up the Club and playing areas. Sad to say the turn up was very poor. I counted nine members, though there may have been others tucked away doing some jobs. As usual the Board members, who already do an huge amount of work on behalf of the Club and it’s members outnumbered the members present!
Howard Lewis was busy mending a hole in the toilet wall while stalwarts Bob Kennett and Billy Dodwell attended to the BBQ. Most of the others present, Board members, Bowls Secretary and Kevin Jones were smartening up the rink markers. So maybe next time you are playing and see how smart the greens are looking you might consider whether you could not lend a hand for a couple of hours next Working Bee