
BOWLING INFORMATION JUNE 3rd    (Terry Norwood reporting) A few reminders to begin with: AGM nominations close on Sunday June 4th with the meeting itself to be held on Sunday July 2nd. So members, there is still time to nominate for any of the positions. The Awards Presentation night being planned by the Men’s and […]


BOWLING WEDNESDAY MAY 31st    (Terry Norwood reporting) Some info and reminders for a start: Members are reminded that nominations for positions on the Men’s Bowls Committee close on Sunday June 4th. The AGM itself will be held on Sunday July 2nd. To date, ten men have nominated themselves for the men only pennants competition […]


BOWLING SATURDAY MAY 27th    (Terry Norwood reporting) Some information for a start: Members are reminded that the AGM of the Men’s Bowling Committee has been brought forward to July to fit in with the Bowls NSW bowls year. Nominations for positions on the committee are now open and will close on Sunday June 4th. […]


PENNANTS BOWLS SATURDAY MAY 10th    (Terry Norwood reporting) Saturday saw the conclusion of the Grade Two Pennants competition when Bowral played host to the team from Penrith. This was a catch-up match for the game which had been postponed due to rain on April 29th. Unfortunately for the Bowral team, Penrith, the competition leaders, […]


SOCIAL BOWLING WEDNESDAY MAY 10th    (Terry Norwood reporting) Some information and reminders to begin with: Another reminder about the Men’s Bowls Committee AGM which has been brought forward to Sunday July 2nd. Nominations for all positions close on June 4th and nomination forms can be found on the table beside where visitors sign in […]


MEN’S BOWLS CLUB NEWS MAY 8th    (Terry Norwood reporting) Beginning with some information: At its last meeting, the Men’s Bowls Committee decided that the AGM of the committee will be brought forward to fit in with the Bowls NSW calendar. The next AGM will now be held on Sunday 2nd July with the nominations […]