BOWLS ACTIVITY WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22nd (Terry Norwood reporting) A few points to begin with: Wednesday was an opportunity to welcome a first-time bowler in Ian Duncan. Ian has come through the U3A classes and was keen to try his skills in a match situation. The Bowral bowlers also welcomed Dave Stanley, a visitor from the […]
SATURDAY BOWLS FEBRUARY 18th (Terry Norwood reporting) Some information to begin with: The latest meeting of the Men’s Bowls Committee was held at 10.30 on Saturday morning. The minutes of this meeting will be available soon. The 2023 Pennants season starts on Saturday February 25th. The grade two team will open the season at St Marys […]
WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15th BOWLING (Terry Norwood reporting) Some info to begin with: Pennant trials will continue on Saturday when Robertson and Bundanoon come to Bowral. Grade two will play Robertson, while Grade six will take on Bundy. With the Wilson Green still out of action, these games will be played on the Waratah Green. With […]
WEEKEND FEBRUARY 11 & 12 (Terry Norwood reporting) The Zone 5 Men’s Fours Championship was staged over the weekend and the Bowral Club was involved both in hosting matches and in participating on the green. On Saturday, four Round One matches were played on the Waratah Green in the morning, while in the afternoon two Quarter […]
BOWRAL BOWLING FEBRUARY WEDNESDAY 8th (Terry Norwood reporting) Some information to begin with: The final of the Men’s Minor Singles Competition was staged on Wednesday. For the match report see below. On this coming Saturday the 11th, we will have visitors from other clubs in the zone. Bowral Club is hosting four rinks of bowlers […]
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4th (Terry Norwood reporting) CHRIS BENTON MEMORIAL Saturday saw the staging of the Chris Benton Memorial event. Graciously hosted by Mrs Benton and her family, the event had eight teams competing for the the annual Benton prize. The opening ceremony was introduced by Chairman Stephen Della who gave the background to the Chris […]