Aaron Teys


Sunday 16th December saw the Club honoured with a visit by Aaron Teys, World Champion of Champions Winner in 2017 and Australian Indoor Singles Winner in 2018.  Once again turn out was rather poor with most attendees being from the better bowlers in contrast to the previous day.  For those who did attend it was […]

Charity Day


The Bowral Mens Bowling Club held the annual charity day competition on Saturday on the 15th December.  Proceeds from the day have been donated to the Cancer Council.  The Club hoped for a good turn out for such a worthy cause.  However, the response was disappointing with only 19 male bowlers attending.  The day was […]

Southern Highland Cup


The Southern Highland Cup (Also Eric  Plain Trophy)  Final was held at Robertson on Saturday 8th December. I have not had a report but do have the final score sheet which I will pass on to you at the end of this post. In th  Pairs games the results were; David Coltman and Nathan Boyers […]

Senior Singles, SHC and Funeral


This morning, Thursday 6th December, about twenty Bowral Bowling Club members, both Men’s and Ladie’s Club, were present at the funeral of long time member Bernie Michael.  Chairperson Elaine Jones attended as did Men’s Club Chairman Gordon Lewis who delivered a eulogy on behalf of the Bowling Club.   Bernie was a long time member of […]

Crowe/Brenning Memorial Trophy


Saturday 1st December saw a Bowral team travel to Robertson to play the final round of the Southern Highland Cup.  I have not seen results, but believe that Bowral won two matches to one.  This will mean a final between Robertson and Bowral at Robertson on Saturday 8th December. The Robertson team travelled to Bowral […]

Southern Highland Cup and Crowe Benning Trophy.


The teams selection for the Southern Highland Cup to be played at Robertson Bowling Club on Saturday 1st December is attached below.  This is the third round of this event held between Bundanoon, Robertson and Bowral.  The top two teams after Saturdays round will play the final on the 8th December. The team selection for […]