Weekend 19/20th January


On Sunday 20th January the Grade 2 Pennant trial players visited Austral Bowling Club.  I have not heard a result but will post it if I do hear.  The teams selected were as follows with lead first and skip last. Paul Leverett     David Coltman     Josh woodcock   Mick Spong Neil Fraser    Nathan Boyers  […]

Working Bee


This last Sunday, 13th January 2019 was the day that Bowral Bowling Club was having a Working Bee.  Designed to save the Club precious money on some smaller jobs and to smarten up the Club and playing areas.  Sad to say the turn up was very poor.  I counted nine members, though there may have […]

Welcome Back


I hope all Bowral Bowling club members have had a great Christmas and 2019 has started as you would wish the rest of the year to continue. The Club activities for 2019 are well under way with a return to Wednesday and Saturday social bowls and entries open for the early Club events. The most […]

Happy Christmas


I would like to wish all Bowral Bowling club members and visitors to this site a very Happy Christmas and all the best in the New Year.  May 2019 be a great bowling year for all our members and an excellent vintage for us all. The Saturday before Christmas the Mens Bowling Club hosted a […]

Aaron Teys


Sunday 16th December saw the Club honoured with a visit by Aaron Teys, World Champion of Champions Winner in 2017 and Australian Indoor Singles Winner in 2018.  Once again turn out was rather poor with most attendees being from the better bowlers in contrast to the previous day.  For those who did attend it was […]

Charity Day


The Bowral Mens Bowling Club held the annual charity day competition on Saturday on the 15th December.  Proceeds from the day have been donated to the Cancer Council.  The Club hoped for a good turn out for such a worthy cause.  However, the response was disappointing with only 19 male bowlers attending.  The day was […]