Bowral Co-Op Drought Appeal for Local Farmers


Bowral Bowling Club members have been raising money to help with the appeal that tha Bowral Co-Op is running to help local farmers who are suffering from the current drought. Craig Perkins, General Manager of the Bowral Co-Op was present at the prize giving of the MVMGC to reeive the cheques from the Bowral Club […]

Name Tags


Bowral bowlers,  it is always good to be able see the name of the bowlers that you are playing with.  Many you know, but we are lucky enough to have a steady stream of new bowlers.  For these newcomers it helps them integrate if they can easily see the name of the established members and […]

RSL Shield


Saturday 25th August was the starting date for the RSL Shield.  Once again the sponsors for this event are Mittagong RSL.   Despite a wet weekend the weather stayed clear for the first round.  In fact it was good to be playing without the strong winds which have been a feature this year. The ten teams […]

MVMGC Week 5


62 shots, wow.  That was the winning score for week 5 of the MVMGC.  Winners were Nathan Boyes and Carl Spilker.  Not surprisingly, with such a large score they have shot to the top of the table with 159 shots.  Not too far behind, on 150 shots, is Clive Neutze and Kewith Edwards.  They had […]

State Finals Grade 3


Tabled below are the results from the round robin stage of the 2018 State Finals for Grade 3 Bowral Bowling Club set off with high hopes of a good result.  All of the grade 3 pennant players were available except for two, one overseas and the other having left the Club However, the results would […]

MVMGC 2018


A report of week 4 of the MVMGC is posted below this post.  When this report was posted I failed to show the latest scores.  They are now shown below this post. Also, for your information, the draw for the event, including the final two weeks is shown below.