The Bowral Bowling Club is a welcoming, family-oriented Club and an active supporter of a broad range of community groups and other sporting clubs. You don’t have to be a bowler to be a member and joining is a great way to engage with the wider community.
Members receive a great discount on all bar and bottleshop purchases as well as earning loyalty points on bar and bistro purchaces which can be redeemed at the club.
All new memberships now valid until June 30 2025
Full Bowling Membership: $170 per annum.
This fee includes your membership of the Royal NSW Bowling Association which is a pre-requisite to play in organised events in NSW.
Croquet Membership: $90 per annum
Social Membership: $15 per annum
**All new memberships incur a $10 admin processing fee. This fee is a one time payment and does not apply for renewals.
Renewals for all memberships are now due July 1.
Download the Renewal form for 2024/25 here
Green fees are $15 for all social days, barefoot bowls and Club Major or Minor Championship events.
Roll ups are available to Club Members and members of the Royal NSW Bowling Association. We appreciate a $5 roll up donation or bar purchase.
If you would like to make an enquiry about joining the Bowral Bowling Club, please contact the Club on (02) 4861 1320 or enquiries@bowralbowling.com.au for more information.